Tag Archives: Sartoria su misura

(Italiano) Abito su misura: il massimo dell’eleganza maschile
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(Italiano) Abito su misura: obbligo professionale
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(Italiano) La sartoria artigianale italiana: una grande tradizione
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Bespoke tailoring: The Language of Elegance
The art of the tailor is under the sign of harmony. Everything he creates has to resonate perfectly with its elements and with the person for whom is intended the creation. Until the final touch, the master creation is destined to become unique and exclusive.

They say about us…
The face of Piedmont’s tailoring is Romanian. His name is Daniel Robu, he is 41 years old, and since last year (2013 – n.r.) is the regional delegate of the prestigious Accademia dei Sartori di Roma. – La Reppublica

The Master Tailor Daniel Robu
Member of the National Academy of Tailors in Italy, Master Daniel Robu carries most of the activity in the creative workshop in Turin. For over 15 years Daniel Robu is performing his exceptional talent to the delight of distinguished personalities all around the globe, creating

Best services
Bespoke Tailoring Our garments are hand made to your exact specifications using many of the traditional Italian bespoke tailoring techniques at an affordable price. Made To Measure Suits Semi-Bespoke suits also known as Made to Measure suits or Personal Tailoring offers a swifter and more